Wednesday, March 21, 2012

3/21/12 Canvas Report #3

What a great time yesterday canvassing portions of New Brighton in HD41-B. We managed to canvas 289 homes in 3.5 hours, meeting people along the way who, to our surprise, know of our campaign.

Story 1
One specific conversation I had with a Republican voter lasted 7 minutes covering issues of government spending, term limits, our campaign bus and my political party affiliation change from Republican to Constitution. He accepted my reasoning for party change and said the party affiliation would not be an issue for his support.

As I turned away to continue canvassing he stopped me asking about my elephant/donkey logo on the back of my shirt. He then realized my message of preserving the Republic is not about what party but the principles the candidate holds to while serving in government. Another couple minutes passed and I was off to seek more citizen support.

Story 2
Another home I came across they were remodeling with a friend over helping. They were union construction people and we immediately connected. We discussed multiple issues including our family loosing a business and declaring bankruptcy a couple years ago. They are on board ready for Election Day and sending me to St. Paul representing our republic form of government.

As I continued along the homes I realized the vast diversity of experiences our communities hold and how the many experiences in my life have prepared me for public service in government and the ability to connect with citizens.

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