Wednesday, December 28, 2011

12/28/11 And I Lost A Friend In Death

Today has become a moment in life one would never forget, a moment when comrade is lost. I lost my friend today to death, a friend who shared a common bond as a brother, one I could call anytime for help or to laugh with at the world, someone to share the ups and downs in life with as years passed. A friend who would jokingly say “talking with me about my experiences in life helped him to appreciate all he had”, though the same I would think the same of him.

I have had 26 years of knowing we could just pick up the phone call each other and resume a conversation whether we last talked yesterday or 2 months ago. I already miss my friend, a tear about to drop on my campaign laptop as I contemplate the loss. Even this big tough guy experiences heartache, loss and pain when death reaches out and takes my friend.

My friend left a brother, sister, wife of 30 years plus and 3 grown sons, who as a family grieve his death tonight.

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